Innovation and Product Development

Innovation and Product Development   At Solmedia, our passion for helping labs improve performance, efficiency and results drives our motivation to continuously analyse our product range and further develop products and solutions that can have a positive impact on our customers. Every product that makes up our extensive portfolio has undergone thorough quality checks throughout […]

Steps in Tissue Fixation

Tissue fixation is a crucial step in histology that involves preserving the structure and cellular components of tissues for subsequent processing and analysis. Fixation consists of two steps: cessation of normal life functions in the tissue and stabilising the structure of the tissue (preservation) by his preventing autolysis starting and enzymatic decomposition from taking place. […]

Stocked and Loaded

At Solmedia we understand the increasing demand of the industry and the pressure laboratories are under. Therefore, labs are reliant on their suppliers to be reliable and consistent to prevent any downtime in their lab. We proudly hold over 280,000 products in our UK Midlands warehouse, including essential laboratory supplies across over 250 different product […]

Cromatec – Linear Automatic Slide Stainer

Cromatec is a revolutionary slide Stainer from German engineers and histology equipment specialists SLEE Medical GmbH, providing the highest, most competitive throughput of slides in routine staining. The Cromatec stainer offers a host of unique and competitive features that not only improve the quality of your slide staining but also make staining protocols simple and […]

What is H&E Staining?

H&E staining, also known as Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, is a commonly used staining technique in histology and pathology. The stains and protocol used provide a detailed picture of the microanatomy of organs and tissues. When it is properly performed it has the ability to demonstrate a wide range of normal and abnormal cell and […]