Through our culture of continuous improvement and exceptional personal care, we will be the market leader for quality and reliability,

meeting the changing demands of your needs with staff that work with efficiency, purpose and 100% commitment, to fulfil expectations with integrity, enthusiasm and intelligence.

Our business relationships will be honest, loyal and reliable and we will strive to provide the best possible service to our customers and suppliers.


On our strong foundation of values, we will build the blocks of reciprocal lasting success, cemented together with integrity, loyalty and responsibility.


  •  Excellence: Uncompromising mission to provide exceptional personal service at every level
  •  Knowledge Sharing: We mutually discuss, collaborate, listen and share information
  •  Responsibility: Responsible for our clients, our staff and the environment
  • Passion: Unequalled passion and enthusiasm for advancement
  • Trust: To instil trust into employees, affiliated partners and clients alike


We at Solmedia Limited work to a high standard of service to all customers, both new and established, with the following:

  • Preferential stock holding delivering the exact brand or product you require.
  • Proactive sales and production teams to ensure your requirements are met when you need them.
  • Product sourcing across a huge selection of manufacturers.
  • Product technical support.
  • Flexible delivery schedule to assist stock and budget management.


We at Solmedia Limited work to a high standard of service to all customers, both new and established

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Over 90 Years Service to Laboratories Worldwide

In 1910 Mr. F.R. Chopping, a Laboratory Technician at the Westminster Hospital demonstrated to the Microscopical Society for the first time in this country the use of desiccated culture media. He named the product ‘Solmedia’ and a Trade Mark was registered in that name on October 6th 1910.

He continued to produce and supply Solmedia to laboratories worldwide and in 1934 Solmedia was incorporated as a Limited Company. As a consequence, the range of products supplied was greatly increased to include all products associated with pathology and biological science.

During the war Solmedia was used to test the safety of water supplies and dairy produce for the British Forces overseas.

The establishment of the National Health Service in 1948 opened further opportunities for expansion, and larger premises were acquired in 1960, 1987 and again in 2013 to service the growth of the Healthcare Sector in routine and research pathology.

Today from the central offices and distribution centre in the West Midlands, Solmedia supplies an ever-expanding and innovative product range which meets the continual demand for increased productivity and ongoing development.


ISO 9001




Solmedia Limited was proud to achieve the Quality Standard of ISO 9001 accreditation in January 2007. We are dedicated to maintain this high level of commitment and standard of care.


We’re always on the lookout for people that are passionate about excellent service. If you believe you have something extra to bring to the Solmedia team, contact us by filling in the form to the right, and please attach your CV