Manual Staining: The Timeless Tool for Histology 

Despite the wide availability of automated staining systems, the traditional process of manual staining continues to plays an important role within histology.   Staining is the final step in tissue processing before the specimen goes under the microscope. Staining protocols are used to highlight key features within a sample. The widely used ‘routine stain’ H&E is […]

A Quick-Fix 

What is Buffered Formalin?  Neutral buffered formalin (NBF) is the most commonly used fixative in diagnostic settings. Derived from a specific formulation of formalin that includes buffering agents, NBF maintains a stable pH level which is key to the preservation of cellular structure.   Where tissue samples are routinely collected and preserved, high quantities of buffered […]

Are You Sitting Comfortably? 

  The safety, comfort and efficiency of your staff is paramount in any workplace. While trips and falls, broken glassware and chemical accidents are high on the list of workplace injuries in laboratories, Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are a significant contributor.   The scientific study of people and their working conditions, ergonomics, play an important role […]

Linear vs Carousel Stainers

An essential process within the analysis of tissue and cell samples, staining allows specialists to visualise specimens clearly under the microscope. Automatic stainers are used within laboratories to automate the process of slide staining. In histology both linear stainers and carousel stainers are used, with each offering unique benefits. Workplace setting and required output play […]

From Freezing to Fixing: The Essential Role of Cryostats

What Are Cryostats? Cryostats  are specialist pieces of equipment that maintain subzero conditions while sectioning to prepare frozen tissue samples for microscopic examination. Similar to microtomes, both are used to section tissues, however, cryostats are designed specifically for frozen tissue sections and producing rapid results. Each sectioning instrument serves a unique purpose in histology, pathology, […]

A Clean Start: Avoiding Contamination in Specimen Processing

Specimen preparation is a multi-step process, where each stage plays a crucial role in preparing a sample for examination. Minimising contamination during the embedding stage is essential in producing clean, high-quality sections for microscopy, which is critical for diagnostic accuracy. There are a number of factors that can affect the quality of samples, let’s take […]

The Benefits Of Using An Automatic Microtome

Used extensively in laboratories across the world, the microtome is a key piece of equipment in any pathological environment. A high precision cutting instrument, microtomes are used to take sections from a block of tissue with accuracy and repeatability in preparation for staining, examination and diagnosis. Traditionally manually operated, microtomes are now also available as […]

Key Benefits Of Using Heated Forceps

Heated forceps play a pivotal role in the embedding process of tissues like biopsies, excisions, and other specimens that require precise orientation and are the recommended tool to use for delicate samples such as small biopsies, lymph nodes, or endoscopic samples, allowing for a gentler and more controlled handling. Key Benefits Of Using Heated Forceps […]

December 2024 Operations and Deliveries

At Solmedia, we are dedicated to helping our customers and understand the importance of reducing the risk of any downtime within the lab, especially over the Christmas period. Therefore, we have created a reliable delivery process to ensure you are continuously supplied with the equipment needed to run your lab.  Details of our operations are […]

Metal Surface Treatment Set Up For Major UK Car Manufacturer

Metal treatment tanks are used in the automotive industry for various processes to enhance the properties of metal parts used in car manufacturing and repair. These treatments are critical for improving the durability, performance, and corrosion resistance of automotive components. The processes typically involve submerging metal parts in tanks filled with specific chemical solutions, electrolytes, […]

Marketing – A Team That Collects Insights That Helps Shape Product Offerings

Team Members: Ian Kibble and Victoria Beddows form a dynamic link between the marketing team and sales, customer service and product development Marketing Team: Bridging Innovation and Client Engagement At the heart of Solmedia’s success in the laboratory supplies industry lies its dedicated and dynamic marketing team. This group of professionals are tasked with promoting […]

NEQAS Annual Participants Meeting 2024, London

On Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November, we will be attending and sponsoring the NEQAS Annual Participants Meeting 2024 at America Square Conference Centre. It is a great opportunity to be able to sponsor such an event with the focuses of Neuropathology & Muscle Histochemistry: Boosting Performance, TEM and Cellular Pathology Proficiency Testing: Setting and […]

What Makes a Good Cryostat

A Cryostat is a specialised instrument used in histology and pathology to freeze and cut thin fresh biological tissue for microscopic examination. Similar to a microtome, the cryostat trims the tissue into extremely thin sections however the microtome is located in a chamber that uses extreme temperatures to freeze the tissue sample and keep it […]

The Importance Of Cleaning Paraffin Wax

Paraffin Wax is a crucial substance within histology, supporting multiple processes such as tissue processing, infiltration, and tissue embedding and aiding the creation of specimen blocks for cutting on the microtome. However, paraffin wax is known to be extremely slippery and ubiquitous which can quickly cause an untidy workspace and also cause issues for technicians […]

PPM Formaldehyde Particle Detector Meter vs ToxiRAE Formaldehyde Detector

Formaldehyde is a highly toxic substance for people in proximity to it, in addition, it can cause serious harm to the environment. Formaldehyde fumes can cause temporary and long-term pain or illness that can have serious effects on personnel’s health including increased risk of certain cancers, including nasopharyngeal cancer and leukaemia from prolonged exposure. Therefore, […]

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2024

Every year we participate in the  World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. As specialists in Pathology laboratory equipment and consumables, we have the privilege and honour of supporting hundreds of our amazing customers who dedicate their lives to the research in cancers and treatments and look after the lives of […]