Stain Kits
Bio-Diff RTU kit
Ready-to-use three-reagent kit with reagents stored in containers that can be used as staining jars. Kit contains fixative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining and buffer tablet for consistent staining results.
Stain Kits
Eosin and Nigrosin Vital kit
Two-reagent kit containing separate dyes for rapid detection of sperm vitality and simple visualisation of dead and living sperm cells. The Nigrosin stain provides dark background for easier recognition of both viable and non-viable spermatozoa.
Stain Kits
Sperm-Diff RTU kit
Ready-to-Use three-reagent kit with reagents stored in containers that can be used as staining jars. Kit contains a fixative reagent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining.
Stain Kits
Sudan Black B kit
Four-reagent kit for staining neutrophil granules in haematological smears (blood or bone marrow films). Used as one of the methods for detecting myelocytic and myelomonocytic leukaemia.
Stain Kits
UriGnost S kit
Kit for sampling, staining, and microscopic analysis of urine sediment. Contains modified reagent according to Sternheimer (reagent manufactured according to the European Confederation of Laboratory Medicine (ECLM) and all the necessary equipment for sampling, concentrating, staining, and counting cells and kidney cylinders, as well as urine sediment analysis (test tubes with retentive bottom, Eppendorf 200 μL pipette tips and urine plates).
Stain Kits
UriGnost SM kit
Kit for sampling, staining and microscopic analysis of urine sediments. It contains modified reagent according to Sternheimer-Malbin and equipment required for sampling, concentration, staining, counting of kidney cells and kidney cylinders and urine sediment analysis (test tubes with retentive bottom, Eppendorf 200 μL pipette tips and urine plates).