Virkon Tablets 5g
1 x 5g tablet makes 500m1 of 1% solution
VIRKON can reduce the germs that cause infection on surfaces in industrial and commericial applications. VIRKON when mixed with water, causes a chemical reaction. The patented VIRKON composition works by oxidative destruction of microorganisms providing exceptional performance against a broad spectrum of virus, bacteria and fungi.
- Rely+On® Virkon® powder for the safe containment and disposal of blood and body fluid spills.
- Rely+On® Virkon® solution is suitable for all routine disinfection tasks whatever the infection threat.
- The combined cleaning and disinfection of all hard surfaces (walls, floors, trolleys, locker tops, laboratory benches, equipment exteriors, etc).
- The replacement of the aldehydes in the treatment of flexible endoscopes.
- General laboratory usage (discard jars, centrifuges, pipettes, etc).
- The routine decontamination of body fluid handling devices (renal dialysis machines, blood analysers, blood bank equipment, etc).
- Combines cleaning and disinfection – avoids the additional time and cost of separate pre-cleaning.
- Reduces the range of disinfectant and cleaning products required giving savings in inventory and stock control.
- Simplifies staff training.
- Simplifies infection control procedures and policies – a major contribution to reducing the costs of a hospital or laboratory-acquired infection.
Compliance with Article 95(2) of Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012,