A.F.O.G. kit

Six-reagent Acid Fuchsin Orange G kit for selective staining of glomerular protein deposits and collagen in kidney biopsies. Nuclear stain is obtained with Weigert ferric hematoxylin, cytoplasm with Orange G and highly selective collagen stain with Aniline blue.

Acridine Orange – 25 grams

Alcian Blue – P.A.S. kit

Seven-reagent Alcian Blue – Periodic Acid-Schiff kit for staining acid mucopolysaccharides according to Mowry. Enables differentiation between acid mucins (stained light blue) and neutral mucins, glycogens and glycoproteins (stained red, magenta).

Alcian Blue pH 1.0 kit

Three-reagent kit for staining heavily sulfated mucopolysaccharides. Slides are counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent to fully detect the presence of Alcian Blue positive staining.

Alcian Blue pH 2.5 kit

Three-reagent kit for staining acid mucopolysaccharides according to Dorling and sulphated and carboxylated sialomucins blue. Slides are counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent to fully detect the presence of Alcian Blue positive staining.

SKU: BGN046 Category: Tags: ,

Alcian Yellow Toluidine Blue kit

Six-reagent kit for staining Helicobacter pylori in gastric tissue sections. This method is one of the most popular non-silver methods for staining of H. pylori, where bacteria are stained blue in contrast to yellow mucins.

Azan Trichrome kit

Five-reagent kit for connective tissue staining according to Mallory. Used for visualisation of muscle fibres, collagen, glial cells, glomerular cells and erythrocytes.

Bio-Diff Kit 3 X 1L

Three-reagent kit that contains fixative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining. Each kit contains buffer tablets for consistent staining results.

3×100 ml bottles

SKU: HST200-A & HST200-D Category: Tags: ,

Bio-Diff kit 3 x 500ml

Three-reagent kit that contains fi xative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining. Each kit contains buffer tablets for consistent staining results.

SKU: BGN200-D Category: Tag:

Bio-Diff RTU kit

Ready-to-use three-reagent kit with reagents stored in containers that can be used as staining jars. Kit contains fixative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining and buffer tablet for consistent staining results.

BioGram 4 kit

Four-reagent kit for identification of bacteria according to Gram. Kit contains Gram Crystal Violet 1% solution, stabilized Gram Lugol solution, double amount of Gram Decolorizer solution 2 and Gram Safranin solution as counterstain.

5×100 ml bottles

SKU: BGN059 Category: Tags: ,

BioGram ECO kit

Four-reagent phenol-free kit for the identification of bacteria according to Gram. Kit contains Gram Crystal violet, phenol free reagent, Gram Sodium hydrogencarbon, solution, stabilized Gram Lugol solution, double amount of Gram Decolorizer solution 2 and Gram Safranin solution as counterstain.

2×50 mL+4×100 mL bottles

SKU: BGN053 Category: Tags: ,

BioGram Histo kit

Five-reagent kit for identification of bacteria according to Gram. For differentiation between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in histology sections.

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Bismark Brown R – 100 grams

Bismark Brown R – 100 grams

Colloidal Iron kit

Six-reagent kit used for visualisation of carboxylated and sulphated groups of acid mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans. This method can be combined with the PAS method; that way glycogen and neutral mucopolysaccharides would get differentially stained characteristically magenta.

Congo Red (Amyloid) Stain Kit

Congo Red Highman kit

Three-reagent kit for staining amyloids, characteristic for use of alkaline solution as differentiation medium in order to avoid undesirable non-specific colouration of cellular substances. Amyloid deposits display green colouration under polarised light.

Congo Red Puchtler kit

Three-reagent kit for staining amyloids, characteristic by its high ionic strength and pH enhancing the specificity of Congo Red dye binding to amyloid clusters. This method developed by Puchtler remains the gold standard for amyloids in tissue sections. Amyloid clusters have the property of double refraction that enables green colouration under polarised light.

Elastica-Van Gieson kit

Four-reagent kit for staining elastic fibres and differentiation between elastic tissue, collagen and other types of connective tissue. The rapid method enables a satisfactory result with shorter section staining time.

Eosin and Nigrosin Vital kit

Two-reagent kit containing separate dyes for rapid detection of sperm vitality and simple visualisation of dead and living sperm cells. The Nigrosin stain provides dark background for easier recognition of both viable and non-viable spermatozoa.

Eosin-Nigrosin Vital

Fast detection (one-step detection) of sperm vitality and visualisation of dead and living sperm cells with one reagent. A simple, easy and fast method for semen analysis.

SKU: BGN106-C Categories: , Tags: , , ,