Safety First – DispoJars

DispoJars are UK’s best-selling medical waste disposal containers and are most commonly used for waste disposal in pathology laboratories. Their durable plastic containment, and transparent appearance allows for correct waste management whilst their air-tight seal and ability to autoclave ensures the disposal of medical waste is safe. Here are all the reasons why DispoJars make the best waste disposal solution:

  • Their transparent appearance supports waste categorisation, allowing for quick identification of waste.
  • Manufactured from PET and made in the UK.
  • Tight seal lids to avoid any spillages.
  • Available with a cap with liners to contain liquids securely, or alternatively, gel packs can be used which provides a tight seal and avoids any leaking.
  • DispoJars can be combusted with low toxicity and can be autoclaved whilst containing waste.
  • Large surface area for waste labelling.
  • Available in sizes 3L – 5.6L and can be ordered in large quantities or standing order.

Why is safe waste disposal important?

Healthcare waste can contain potentially harmful microorganisms that can infect hospital patients, health workers and the general public. Other potential hazards can include physical injuries from sharps, chemical and radiation burns, toxic exposure to pharmaceutical products, and air pollution as well as the indirect impact and risk to the environment.

Proper disposal helps prevent the spread of infections and protects healthcare workers, patients, and the general public from exposure to harmful pathogens and contaminants. Governments and health organisations have established regulations to ensure the correct disposal of hazardous waste is practised in which laboratories are obligated to comply with these guidelines to meet regulatory standards and avoid fines or penalties.

What makes a good waste disposal?

  1. Secure Closure – Secure and tight closure to prevent accidental spills, leaks, or exposure to the content.
  2. Durable – Made from materials resistant to corrosive waste and hardwearing to ensure that waste is contained.
  3. Clear and visible labelling – Each waste disposal bin should have clear and visible labels indicating the type of waste it is intended for.
  4. Proper size and capacity – Waste disposal bins should be appropriately sized to accommodate the expected volume of waste generated to avoid overfilling and reduce the risk of harmful waste spills.
  5. Compatibility with disposal methods – The design of the waste disposal bin should be compatible with the disposal methods used by waste management services. This ensures a smooth and efficient process from collection to final disposal. This includes the ability to autoclave without toxicity should it be required that the waste should be combusted.
  6. Colour-coded designFor proper segregation and to avoid cross-contamination waste is colour-coded for example orange for infectious waste, yellow and black for offensive/hygiene, blue for non-hazardous medical waste, and black for domestic waste.