Stain Kits
Alcian Blue – P.A.S. kit
Seven-reagent Alcian Blue – Periodic Acid-Schiff kit for staining acid mucopolysaccharides according to Mowry. Enables differentiation between acid mucins (stained light blue) and neutral mucins, glycogens and glycoproteins (stained red, magenta).
Stain Kits
Alcian Blue pH 1.0 kit
Three-reagent kit for staining heavily sulfated mucopolysaccharides. Slides are counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent to fully detect the presence of Alcian Blue positive staining.
Stain Kits
Alcian Blue pH 2.5 kit
Three-reagent kit for staining acid mucopolysaccharides according to Dorling and sulphated and carboxylated sialomucins blue. Slides are counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent to fully detect the presence of Alcian Blue positive staining.
Stain Kits
Colloidal Iron kit
Six-reagent kit used for visualisation of carboxylated and sulphated groups of acid mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans. This method can be combined with the PAS method; that way glycogen and neutral mucopolysaccharides would get differentially stained characteristically magenta.
Stain Kits
Congo Red Highman kit
Three-reagent kit for staining amyloids, characteristic for use of alkaline solution as differentiation medium in order to avoid undesirable non-specific colouration of cellular substances. Amyloid deposits display green colouration under polarised light.
Stain Kits
Congo Red Puchtler kit
Three-reagent kit for staining amyloids, characteristic by its high ionic strength and pH enhancing the specificity of Congo Red dye binding to amyloid clusters. This method developed by Puchtler remains the gold standard for amyloids in tissue sections. Amyloid clusters have the property of double refraction that enables green colouration under polarised light.
Stain Kits
Mucicarmine kit
Mucicarmine kit is often used to identify primary tumour sites, distinguishing mucin-negative undifferentiated squamous cell lesions from mucin-positive adenocarcinomas. It can also be used as indicative of diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis.
Stain Kits
P.A.S. kit
Five-reagent Periodic Acid-Schiff kit for staining aldehydes, muccopolysaccharides, mucoproteins and lymphocytes according to Hotchkiss-McManus. P.A.S. staining may also be used for the demonstration of fungal organisms in tissue sections.