Alcian Blue Solution 1% Aqueous

SKU: HST511-D Categories: , , ,

BioMount New, Low Viscosity Mounting Medium

BioMount New, Standard Viscosity Mounting Medium

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Carbol Fuchsin Cold AFB Stain

Carbol Fuchsin Cold AFB Stain

DPX Mountant, DBP Free

Field kit 500ml

Ready to use two-reagent kit for rapid and efficient staining and detection of parasites in haematology samples. Primarily used for staining thin and thick blood smears (dense drop) for purpose of diagnosing blood parasites. Reagents are stored in containers that can be used as staining jars.

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Gram’s Carbol Fuchsin

Gram’s Carbol Fuchsin

Stains Reagents And Dyes

May Grunwald Stain

May Grunwald Stain

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Papanicolaou Stain EA50

Papanicolaou Stain EA50

Safranin 0.5% Aqueous (Grams Stain)

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Safranin 1% Alcoholic

Safranin 1% Alcoholic

Stains Reagents And Dyes

Safranin 1% Aqueous

Safranin 1% Aqueous

Weigerts Iron Haematoxylin Solution A